WELCOME! Whether you’ve been a part of New Life forever or this is your very first week joining us online…we are so glad you’re here! As we say often…Church is not an event to attend, but a family to belong to. During this COVID season, that truth has never been more evident. No matter where you’re joining us from, we hope you’ve felt welcome and we look forward to getting to know you! While we wish we could provide a cup of our signature “Fully Alive” blend of coffee from Coastal Peaks for you, we’d still love to have you join us on our virtual patio after service. It’s simply an opportunity to see some friendly faces, connect after service, or ask any questions you have about your best next step. We’ll have a Zoom meeting after First Service (around 10:15am) and we’d love to have you join us! So, grab a cup of coffee or tea and click the button below to join!