Join Us this weekend!
During this season we’ve learned a lot. First, we’ve learned that there is no barrier that the Holy Spirit cannot break through! Second, we’ve learned to be flexible and hold our plans loosely since I’m sure you know how fast things can change. Due to our county’s latest standings and health guidelines, we’ve decided to move our services back outdoors at 9 and 11 am. We will have our weekend worship service in the parking lot adjacent to the Cross and we will livestream the 9am outdoor service. After the 9am service, the livestream will be available to watch at any time.
Our outdoor SERVICES will be SundayS
starting march 7th- 11am indoor service and patio options
No RSVP required – just come!
If there is questionable weather, we will make the decision whether to move services online only on Saturday mornings. To be in the know about any service changes text weather to 805-979-2003 to receive updates.
Here are some important things to know about how this gathering will work best.

ANYONE…but maybe not EVERYONE. As the church we always want anyone and everyone to feel welcomed to any event or service on our campus. However, if you are in a medically compromised position we would ask for you to prayerfully take this to the Lord and follow His leading. We will have our Kids Ministry programs in Cohorts for ages 3yrs to 6th grade at the 9 am service only. We are sorry at this time we will not be able to offer care for babies age 2 years and under.
For details on our in-person KidsMin service click here.
Details and KidsMIn registration
MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you are sick, or if someone in your house is sick, even if it’s mild symptoms and you’re pretty sure it’s nothing, please stay home. We love you but we don’t want to take any risks when it comes to the health of others. Also, if you recently took a COVID-19 test and are awaiting results, please stay home until you’ve been cleared.

We will have chairs available if you need them, however you can also bring a chair you would be comfortable in for your own use. Here is a list of things to bring.
• Chairs (if you prefer to use your own)
• Protection from the elements. It’s the Central Coast, so when it comes to the weather, who knows what to expect! It’s best to be prepared by bringing sunscreen, sweatshirts, hats, etc.
• Your phone with the New Life App installed. We won’t be having any paper handouts or screens so all Bible verses, worship lyrics, and follow up information will be available on the New Life App. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you can click the button below.

You may park in the main upper lot. Senior/handicapped parking use 2nd driveway and you will be directed to a place to park. You may also park on the streets or in the Community Center lots. If necessary we can also spill over into the medical plaza. However, there will be NO PARKING IN THE POST OFFICE LOT, under any circumstances.
Once you’re parked you will be directed where to sit WITH YOUR HOUSEHOLD.

These outdoor gatherings are, for the time being, intended to be our “normal” weekend service. We will also continue to offer our online worship experience, streamed live on Sunday at 9am, and available any time thereafter.
Most importantly we hope that you will come to these services expecting to meet Jesus and encounter the Holy Spirit in a powerful way!

The safety of our congregation, and our community as a whole is our number one priority. All of our staff and volunteers will be screened for symptoms and we ask that you would screen yourself before deciding to come. We will be adhering to safe social distancing guidelines of maintaining AT LEAST 6 feet distance between households. We are also welcoming and encouraging the wearing of masks. There will be no passing of baskets or sharing of any elements or papers.

New Life has always seen ourselves as a community church. We are FOR the Central Coast and one of our highest goals is that our gatherings would be a source of hope and healing for not only our attenders but also our whole community. Our county officials have been so gracious in helping us and encouraging us to regather. We want to honor and respect their graciousness by making sure we are responsible and respectful neighbors. For that reason, we ask for all who attend to do so with love for our community in mind. We know it will be hard to resist for all of us, but we ask that you respect the social distancing guidelines in place and keep in mind that people will be attending with ALL different levels of comfort when it comes to regathering.
We love you and we can’t wait to see you!
still have questions? email us: communications@newlifepismo.com