Faith + Fitness

Your body is the meeting place where you and God live and since God created us BODY + SOUL and it is important to take care of our WHOLE being. We believe that as the body of Christ gets healthy and whole, we will be fit for our purpose—to proclaim and spread the love of God to the ends of the earth. By the power of God and the gift of His good grace, we desire to impact the world for good by bringing health and healing into a lost and hurting world.

This fall we will be offering a few classes focusing on taking care of our bodies as well as our souls. Each of these will be open to people of all shapes, sizes, and athletic abilities. No matter where you’re at, we hope you will join us in our journey to wellness, and our journey to learn to love God and others in the skin we are in!
Click on an area of interest below to learn more about each ministry as well as learn about dates + times of upcoming classes.