
Week 7

Exodus, Liberation, and the Mission of God


A lot has happened since God called Abraham and his family to serve as a missional community to the world. We pick up the story in Exodus, where God’s people find themselves, not thriving in the land of milk and honey, but enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. In the book of Exodus, God delivers his people from slavery in Egypt in order to serve as God’s missional people for the world. God leads Israel from Egypt, guides them through the wilderness, and enters into a new covenant with his people at Sinai.



In the “Invitation” Book, read Chapter 5: Exodus, Liberation, and the Mission of God

• Day 1: Exodus as a foundational event
• Day 2: God calls and commissions Moses
• Day 3: The Lord is King of All Creation
• Day 4: Passover and God’s Victory
• Day 5: A Purposeful Deliverance

In the Bible read:

• Exodus 3:1-17
• Psalm 114
• Exodus 7:1-5
• Exodus 12:24-28
• Exodus 15:11-18
• Exodus 19:3-6
• 1 Peter 2:9





Questions for journaling or discussing with a friend or group:

• God forges a relationship with his people through his gracious actions. The life of God’s people is nothing more and nothing less than a wholehearted response to His grace.  Is this how you would describe your life? Why or why not?

• The exodus served to secure Israel’s present and future. What story currently serves to guide your life and provide you peace and security?

• God promises Moses His presence. This is enough. It’s not about the one called; it’s about the God who calls. How can God’s presence empower you today?

• God delivers Israel through HIS power and not mere human power. Human violence plays no role in the deliverance from Egypt. This is a key lesson for us. God is the savior, not us. How do you need to remind yourself of this truth today?

• God delivers his people and reveals his grace and power to save. From what do you need to be delivered in order to extend blessing and goodness to the world?

• Exodus 7:5: “When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” The goal of God’s actions in Egypt is more than the liberation of God’s people; it’s MISSIONAL. God wants the Egyptians to know Him. What does this say about God and his mission? How does this change how you view the Exodus?

• Remembering God’s past acts of grace grounds us in the present in anticipation of an abundant future. What key events have shaped your spiritual journey?

• Reflect on the Passover and the parting of the Red Sea. How do these events foreshadow Christ?

• God delivers his people not just FROM something but FOR a specific purpose. Read 1 Peter 2:9 & Exodus 19:5-6. What parallels do you see?

• God says that his people (Israel) will be his “treasured possession” or “precious heirloom.” Do you know and feel that you are God’s treasured possession?