
Week 5

Israel as God’s New Humanity for the World


In Genesis 12-50, the Lord calls a new people into existence to serve as a new humanity through whom he will bless all people on the earth. This new humanity is known as God’s people, Israel. Throughout Israel’s history, God makes covenant with individuals and with the group. Covenant is a “churchy” word that doesn’t always get explained well. The 2nd Bible Project video below does a great job of studying all the instances of covenant in scripture.

Looking for the whole Old Testament overview? David mentioned the Old Testament overview video and poster. Click the button below to view those!


Want more? Wondering WHY God keeps his end of the covenant despite Israel going back on their end? This video explains it.


In the “Invitation” Book, read Chapter 4: Israel as God’s New Humanity for the World

• Day 1: God Calls Abraham
• Day 2: God’s Faithfulness to His Promises
• Day 3: Holiness and God’s Promises
• Day 4: Privilege, Power, and the Mission of God
• Day 5: Abraham and the Gospel

In the Bible read:

• Genesis 12:1-7
• Psalm 113
• Genesis 26:3-5
• Genesis 21:1-7
• Romans 4:1-25




Questions for journaling or discussing with a friend or group:

• How does God’s call of Abraham answer the problem of human sin narrated in Genesis 3-11?

• Through Abraham, God is calling a missional community to reflect his character to the nations. Who is God calling you to reflect his character and love to today?

• How is it important for your own faith to know that God keeps his promises?

• How does faithful living (holiness) enhance God’s mission?

• To what God or cause does your life point? How would your life be different if you realigned with the God of the Bible today?

• How do God’s actions toward the marginalized and powerless encourage you?

• How would you live your life differently if you truly believed that your future could be empowered by God rather than limited by human traditions and power structures?

• How does the New Testament’s use of Abraham (Romans 4:1-25, Galatians 3-4, James 2:14-24) show the importance of the Old Testament in telling the story of Jesus?