In your box you will find 5 river rocks and paint supplies. Wednesday afternoon we want you to spend time painting on the rocks what you are learning this week. Each Main Event day has a theme word, paint those, or the four mascots and Bible verse: Proverbs 3: 5-6 or whatever you want to do! Have fun with it, make each your masterpiece… because tomorrow we are going to tell you what you get to do with them. Put on the Main Event Playlist on Spotify and get your art on!
Palm-sized, smooth rocks
Acrylic paint and thin brushes
Paint pens or permanent marker (optional)
Clear outdoor sealant spray (optional)
• For best results, wash your rocks with soapy water. Rinse and let dry in the sun.
• Start by painting the rock a solid color. Once these dries (should be fairly quick), paint a happy design or a word from our Bible verse to encourage others. Think of what you can paint on the rock to let others know that God loves them.
• Write #MainEvent2021 on the back with paint or a Sharpie.
• (OPTIONAL) The design will last longer if it is sealed with a clear outdoor sealant spray. The paint must be completely dry before sealing and the sealant will need 24 hours to dry. Remember that the rocks can still brighten someone’s day without being sealed.
Today we studied Seeking God.
We encouraged the kids to seek God in all they do. Our kids have had a challenging year. Today we asked them some serious questions about the things that have changed in their lives like school or home, and things that confuse or frighten them like Covid or violence in the streets.
This would be a good question for you to discuss as well. Ask your child what challenges they want God to help them with. Try not to solve their problem (of course you can help them with it), but lead them to pray and seek God for help. We want them to know God will be there to help them through the challenges of life. In fact, this would be a good time to discuss what it means to give God your life and ask Jesus to be your savior. In our workbook we explained it this way- getting to God can be like trying to get across the widest river or deepest valley. Our sin keeps us apart. Jesus is the bridge between us and God. He makes a way for us to get to God. He took the punishment for our sins and through Him we have a path to God.