

Lent marks the solemn season of 40 days leading up to Easter. During Lent we join with believers down throughout the ages in intentionally focusing on repentance and our deep need for Jesus and his resurrecting power. As part of our collective Rule of Life, as a church, we will be centering our attention on a few spiritual practices to help form us in the way of Jesus this season.


Fasting is going without food for a set amount of time to awaken our body and soul to our deep hunger and need for God. It’s one of the most powerful — and neglected — of all of Jesus’ practices. In a culture that emboldens overconsumption and the satisfaction of our every desire, fasting is an indispensable practice to form us in contentment and teach us to constrain our desires. 

how we will practice

Throughout the season of Lent (from Ash Wednesday to Easter) we are encouraging each person in the New Life family to fast EVERYDAY from 7pm to 11am. 

what this means

We know this won’t be easy. That’s kind of the point. However, this is not LAW and the details and specifics are up to you. If you have health concerns that prevent you from fasting in this manner, please modify the parameters to suit your needs. If you’ve never fasted before, simply start somewhere. Perhaps with just a few days a week. Some will only drink water, others will add juice, coffee or other liquids. The fine points are not THE point. Our goal is to simply focus our desires and affections on Jesus as we intentionally deny our flesh for a period of time.

what about sundays?

In an act of solidarity as a family, we will only be offering coffee and water on Sunday mornings. KidsMin will still have snacks for kids; however, please plan accordingly for your family needs on Sundays. 


We don’t just strip away things like food without adding some practices to shape us further. We believe amazing and miraculous things take place when we set our souls before the Lord and ask Him to work. Allow yourself to dream of how you will be different as a result of this season…how those around you will be different, and how our church as a whole will be different as we lean in to Jesus…together!

how we will practice

We will have a designated Prayer Space in the lobby (near the “roundabout” entrance opposite the post office side) In this space you can write your prayers for yourself, your family, our community and the world. We can’t wait to see how the Holy Spirit transforms this space over these 40 days!

open monday-friday • 8am-6pm  • plus sundays before and after services.


In addition to prayer, we will be filling our time with memorizing Colossians 3:1-17. We will have tools to help you along the way. Our Lenten sermon series will follow along with these verses and we expect these words to have an impact on how we live day today as we have God’s Word hidden in our hearts.

Fresh Cup Podcast

Listen in this season as we journey through Lent and discuss how we hear God’s voice louder than our enemies’ vying for our attention.

available on spotify, apple + google podcasts