Greater Transformation happens in circles than in rows.
You were not meant to do life alone. You were created for community! At New Life we have groups of all sizes for all walks of life and interests. Joining a groups is the BEST way to feel known, cared for, and connected here at New Life!
Young Families Life Group
A group meeting every other week during 2nd service for study and community. Led by Owen and Camille Schwaegerle for families with babies and young children
Led by: Camille Schwaegerle | For Ages: 18+ | Meets: Every other Sunday from 11:00am-12:15pm |
Childcare Available? No - Children in KidsMin class | Topic: bible study, family, fellowship | Group Type: Family Group, Life Groups, Small Group |
Location: Den in the House - House- West side of parking lot | Status: Open |