Galatians | Week 5
From belief to faith
What does it mean to BELIEVE in God? Biblically speaking, it is more than just intellectual agreement, but rather an active trust. The Galatians were choosing to put their trust into their own goodness and efforts rather than the character and faithfulness of God. Where have you been placing your trust? Is there an area of your life that you’ve struggled to actively BELIEVE God? Let’s continue to get to know the character of God so that we can wholeheartedly believe in His trustworthiness. Let’s take steps this week together to actively put our faith in Jesus. Whether that’s trusting Him for the first time, stepping out in baptism, or letting go of old habits of addiction or perfectionism; let’s jump off and experience the freedom Jesus intended by fully trusting Him with our lives!
Weekly Challenge
This week, ask God to show you when you have a choice to rely on Him or rely on yourself. And ask for the courage to trust Him with the outcome.
Questions for Reflection
- What do you really believe about God’s character and nature?
- What are the hardest things for you to trust God with- health, relationships, finances?
- Is your faith in God, mere belief or an active trust?
- Where can you take the next step to trust God a little deeper?
- Has God given you a big dream? What steps do you need to take trust Him with that dream?
- Reflect on this past week. Were you operating more out of fear and doubt or freedom and trust?
Further Study
Abram’s faith was being tested, even before God renamed him Abraham. He had no children but God promised him not only a son, but more heirs than there were stars in the sky.