Discover the splendors of Egypt this fall with Pastor Dave Vasquez and his wife Linda. Explore the wonders of the Cairo Museum, see the Great Pyramids and Great Sphinx. Spend four days cruising down the Nile River stopping to visit Egyptian temples along the way. Rest at the Sharm El Sheikh resort and then travel the Egyptian wilderness to St. Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of the traditional site where Moses received the ten commandments. This eleven day tour will depart October 11 and return November 10, 2023. Preparation classes on “Egypt in the Bible” will be held in advance of the trip.
For more information:
Information Meeting, Sunday April 23 @ 4:00 pm in room LC-01
Splendors of Egypt web site •. Splendors of Egypt brochure
Egypt in the Bible Class
Beginning with an introduction to the setting, history, religion, and language of Egypt as background, this class will explore the significant role played by Egypt in the biblical narratives. Discover new insights into Egypt and the patriarchs, the Exodus, Egypt’s battles with Israel’s kings, the life of Jesus and prophecies regarding the future of Egypt. This class will serve as background preparation for those participating in the upcoming trip to Egypt, but is open to anyone.