current series

Romans 8

This summer we’ll be soaking up the richness and depth of ONE chapter…Romans 8. In this profound chapter, we uncover the timeless truths of how Christ’s presence is not only FOR us, but also IN us and working THROUGH us. When we live into these truths, it makes all the difference in how we live…fully alive in Jesus!

Ruminate on the 8

In addition, we want you to marinate on Romans 8 beyond a Sunday service. We have lots of tools to help you read, listen, memorize and pray through this chapter of scripture!

All services are indoors and broadcast to our outdoor patio.

The 9am service will be live-streamed to YouTube, Facebook, and our website, and available to watch anytime after that. KidsMin available for birth-6th grade at both services. Junior High Service at 9am at the Student Center