Affect the Five • new lives. New communities.
At New Life we want to be a part of what God is doing in the 5 Cities…and beyond! We believe the sign of a healthy church is a healthy city…or five. So we are always looking for ways to practically serve our communities. Affect the 5 is all about getting outside our church walls and getting our hands dirty in order to bring hope and practical help to our cities and to those that live within them. While we are involved in our community all through the year, Affect the 5 is a weekend where we team up and move out to meet the needs across the 5 Cities communities, sharing t the love of Christ in practical ways such as yard work, beach clean-up, painting, fence repair, and blessing to those who may be in need of a little more assistance. Keep scrolling to see how you can partner with us + get involved!
Upcoming dates:
April 6 + 7
Saturday Team | Meet in the Life Center Parking Lot at 8am • Sunday Team | meet in the grass area near the post office entrance at 12:30pm
Sign ups are now closed but if you would still like to serve, you can show up in the Life Center parking lot at 8am on Saturday morning and we will gladly plug you in to a project!
Know of Projects?
Do you know of someone who could use a little help around their house? We are looking to bless those in our community who are in need of a little assistance; specifically, widows, elderly, veterans, single parent, disabled individuals, and friends who have fallen on some hard times. If you have an idea or know of someone who could use some help, let us know! We are looking for projects that take place outside of homes/buildings and can be completed in a few hours by a group of people. We have skilled workers and contractors to oversee projects. There are many factors involved in whether or not we can complete a project that is suggested to us. We will send out a team to survey the project and decide whether it is something we will be able to accomplish. We hope you’ll understand if we are unable to take on your project. Projects received after March 10th will most likely not be able to be considered for the spring Affect the 5 in April. However, we will be able to consider it for the fall Affect the 5.
Thanks for partnering with us!
Volunteer to Serve!
Do you want to be a part of affecting change in the 5-cities area? Well…we would love to help you do just that! On the weekend of April 6 + 7 we’ll be going out all over the Central Coast to work on projects together. We will be meeting at the church on Saturday morning at 8am for a time of prayer, coffee and/or training where you will connect with your team and find out all the details about what you’ll be doing. Then you’ll go to your project site to spread a little love and joy. Later that day we will all meet back at the church for lunch and to share about all God did in and through us. Most projects will take place on Saturday; however, we will have a few projects on Sunday after services as well.
Ready to jump in?